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Well, the 'kind' is easy to explain. Mike is an artist.  Yes, a real one, full-time.

With training and so ... 
He works in the fields of graphics, painting, illustration and photography. Over the past 20 years he has made a name for himself internationally as a body painter. He appears on stages around the globe with his body art performances. A summary of his artistic activities can be found on

And 'farm' for two reasons. On the one hand, because our ditch, the Pölzgraben, was run as a small farmyard for years and is accordingly laid out with a main house, large barn and horse stable. And secondly, because our tasks in the current herb year are largely based on the tasks of a farmer, albeit in a light version. 

In our "ARTFARM", a forest house in Niklasdorf in Upper Styria, we have created a true creative, green energy oasis. Here we are surrounded by an almost infinite variety of wild and cultivated plants and herbs.
In this great environment we deal with the never-ending topic of herbs year in and year out. We also organize herbal courses and herbal hikes, in which we try to kindle the fire of passion in people interested in herbs.

Diese beiden Welten, Kunst & Natur, zu verbinden sehen Mike & The Muse als ihr Langzeitprojekt an. Im Laufe der Jahre soll sich der Pölzgraben zu einem kunstvollen, lehrreichen und somit lohnenswerten Ausflugsziel entwickeln.

Bodypainting von Mike Shane 'Mit der Natur verschmelzen'
Bodypainting von Mike Shane 'NUSSINGA Promo'
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